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Daniel Szczesniak

Daniel has been working in the funeral industry since 2010, speaking directly to grieving families as they made funeral arrangements. He began researching and publishing funeral articles on this website as part of his role as product and marketing manager at Urns Northwest. Having written hundreds of articles and growing the site to multiple millions of views per year, Daniel continues to write while providing editorial oversight for US Urns Online's content team.

Latest from Daniel Szczesniak

Horse Themed Cremation Urns

Horse Cremation Urns for People Who Loved Horses

Horses are loved by many. The majestic power, the graceful movement, the equine beauty. Horse cremation urns are a popular choice as a memorial for people who loved horses, and there are plenty from which to choose.

At Urns Northwest, we offer some brilliant and premium horse themed cremation urns. Our most beloved designs are wood funeral urns made in the USA that are either standard sized (to hold the remains of one person) or companion sized (to hold the remains of two people, usually a husband and wife).

The premium feature of our horse urns is the 3-dimensional wood inlay art scene on the front of the memorial; this is a selection of laser etched woods in their natural colors which are assembled together like a 3-dimensional jigsaw puzzle to create a vivid, lifelike, yet earthy wood inlay art scene.

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50 Tips for Comfort, Health, and Healing

Grief & Self-Care: 44 Tips for Healing, Comfort, and Peace

A death in the family deals a tough blow. If you were close to the one who passed away – a spouse, parent, or child – you will need time to grieve and heal. You will also need to care for yourself throughout the grief process.

In this article, we address grief & self-care by offering 44 tips for healing, comfort, and peace while you do the difficult work of mourning.

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10 Best Cowboy Cremation Urns for Ashes

Cowboy Cremation Urns are the ideal memorial tribute for a cattle-ropin’, horse-ridin’, boot wearin’, all-American cowboy. Below we’ve collected ten different cremation urns with themes and designs which can be meaningful as a representation of the life and passions of your beloved cowboy.

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How to Create a Memory Jar

How to Make a Memory Jar for a Funeral Keepsake

A memory jar is a popular and meaningful memorial idea that celebrates the memories you shared with your departed loved one.

This project is not only a tribute to a loved one’s life and legacy. It also serves as a source of comfort to the grieving family as they get to read and treasure up all the important memories.

Let’s talk about how you can create this simple memorial for yourself or to give to a grieving family member.

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Cremation Urns with Flowers for the Gardener

Flower Urns for Ashes to Honor the Gardener or Flower Lover

“Anthophilia” is the love of flowers. Below, we have selected the very best flower cremation urns for ashes for your consideration as a memorial to your beloved gardener or flower lover.

If your wife, mother, grandmother, or other loved one was devoted to flowers, you’ll find the perfect floral tribute among our collection of flower cremation urns.

These are ideal for anyone who loved gardening, flowers in general, or a particular variety such as roses, lilies, carnations, and many other types.

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How to Celebrate a Death Anniversary

Death Anniversary: How to Remember & Celebrate Your Loved One

A death anniversary is a peculiar sort of holiday.

After all, how can you “celebrate” a life that is gone, one you so dearly miss? How do you grieve, yet heal? Can you remember a loved one without becoming overwhelmed, or should you try to ignore or forget the day they died?

Or what if you are the friend of someone whose spouse or child has died. How do you comfort them on the anniversary of their loved one’s death? Should you do or say anything?

Here are some thoughts on how to remember loved ones as the years go by.

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Funny Funeral One-Liners

31 Morbid-But-Funny Funeral Jokes & One-Liners

You just have to admit it: Death is absurd. Funerals can be weird; funny, even.

God has, for some reason, granted us life, numbered our days, and given many of us a steak of dark humor.

If that’s you, read on! If not, well, uh… don’t.

Here are 31 somewhat dark but otherwise harmless (and hilarious) funeral jokes and one-liners.

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30 Questions About Death & Dying

30 Questions About Death, Dying, and Your Legacy

Questions about death are a normal, healthy part of living well. While you may have questions about the physical, physiological, and psychological aspects of dying, those aren’t the questions you’ll find here. And while I’m sure you have questions about the afterlife, philosophy, and religion, we’re not trying to provide answers.

Instead, these questions are designed to help you think about your legacy and what it means to die well.

Below we’ve curated 30 or so open-ended questions to get you thinking about death and the meaning of your life.

Take your time and think about each one. Feel free to print them out and write your answers down. This practice can be for your own personal enrichment or as a way to start organizing your thoughts for your end-of-life planning.

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celebration of life ideas - feature image

100 Inspirational Celebration of Life Ideas for an Amazing Person

Here are 100 creative celebration of life ideas to inspire you as you celebrate the life of an amazing person.

Even as you grieve, it is important to treasure and honor your loved one. These creative and meaningful memorial ideas are perfect for right now and on into the future.

We have suggestions for the funeral or celebration of life service that will be happening soon, unique memorials for the days and weeks following, and inspiring tributes to ensure that their memory is well-kept for years to come.

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