Daniel has been working in the funeral industry since 2010, speaking directly to grieving families as they made funeral arrangements.
He began researching and publishing funeral articles on this website as part of his role as product and marketing manager at Urns Northwest.
Having written hundreds of articles and growing the site to multiple millions of views per year, Daniel continues to write while providing editorial oversight for US Urns Online's content team.
Christians should consider training and serving as death doulas.
“Death” is probably the last word you would expect to find paired with “doula.” And no, this isn’t some sort of spiritual metaphor; it’s an actual job in a young but rapidly growing field. Let me explain.
What is a visitation? What’s the difference between a visitation and a viewing, or a wake for that matter?
Most importantly, what should you expect?
If you’ve recently suffered the loss of a friend, acquaintance or co-worker, you may get invited to a visitation. Of course you’re planning to attend the funeral, but what about this other event – should you go? Would it be bad not to go?
What is the difference between burial and entombment? These two terms are commonly used in the funeral world, but what do they mean? And which should you choose?
In this post we’re going to talk about burial, entombment, and the difference between them. Let’s take a look.
A columbarium niche is a display vault in a wall or structure specifically designed to hold cremation urns. It’s a stately choice for a final disposition available at many cemeteries, churches, and funeral homes.
In this article, we’re going to answer the question, “What is a columbarium niche.” In doing so, you will learn everything you need to know about columbarium niches.
Movies about death, dying, and grief can be a helpful recourse for dealing with your own loss, or learning about the grief experienced by others. They can provide a way to become more informed about the human experience, to raise questions about the purpose of life, to contemplate the afterlife, or to become more empathetic.
Eulogy vs obituary… which should you use, and what do they mean? If you are unsure, you may have used either word incorrectly. Maybe you even thought they meant the same thing, and so used them interchangeably.
Well, rest assured you are definitely not the only one who has! Read on to learn more about the differences between a eulogy and an obituary.
What should you send when someone dies, instead of flowers?
Funeral flowers are beautiful, but many people find them depressing. After all, once the hubbub of the funeral or memorial service subsides, the flowers sit on a table and… die. A sad collection of wilting flowers isn’t exactly the image you want to leave with the recipient of your memorial gift.
So many people look for funeral flower alternatives to give that somehow celebrate life.
Whether it’s a “living wreath” instead of a traditional flower wreath, or perhaps a bird feeder that draws local wildlife close and actually helps sustain them, we’ve collected the best sympathy gifts to send instead of flowers.
If you’re looking to get away from the overdone memorial gift tradition of funeral flowers, here’s what to send instead of flowers when someone dies.
What do you want your legacy to be? Leaving a legacy to your children and family is an important consideration. As you make arrangements for the end of your life, you will be consulting a lawyer, writing a will, signing advance directives, planning the funeral, and more.
But what does all of it mean?
This is where you may want to consider a legacy project as a way to help tell the story and meaning of your life.
Funeral favors are a popular trend as a way to say thank you to guests and also a way to honor your loved one. These are little trinkets or keepsakes that you give away at funerals, memorials, or life celebration events.
While funeral favors are definitely an “optional” part of your funeral planning, it’s a nice gesture of thanks for the support of friends and family, and it can also be a lovely way to keep your departed loved one in the hearts and minds of all who were part of the memorial service.
Music touches us at a very deep, intimate, and basic level. So choosing the best funeral songs for a loved one’s service can be a daunting and emotional task.
Which song, or songs, should you pick? Is a particular song appropriate? What is the best funeral song for dad, or for a country music enthusiast, or for a Christian?
Since each person is unique, we can’t make those decisions for you. However, we can point out some of the most beloved songs for funerals in a variety of genres and styles.
What is inurnment? Inurnment is simply the act of placing cremated remains into a container to store or bury them.
Cremated remains or “ashes” are typically inurned in a plastic or cardboard container and given to the family. The family can then purchase a permanent cremation urn and transfer the remains into the new urn.
In this fairly typical scenario, inurnment happened twice. Both times the ashes were put into a container (first into the temporary urn, then into the permanent urn), the ashes were inurned.
That’s the simple, easy answer. But if you are like most people, this is the first time you’ve dealt with body disposition and you probably have many more questions about the process.