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Daniel Szczesniak

Daniel has been working in the funeral industry since 2010, speaking directly to grieving families as they made funeral arrangements. He began researching and publishing funeral articles on this website as part of his role as product and marketing manager at Urns Northwest. Having written hundreds of articles and growing the site to multiple millions of views per year, Daniel continues to write while providing editorial oversight for US Urns Online's content team.

Latest from Daniel Szczesniak

DIY Pet Funeral Guide: How to plan a pet funeral service

The loss of a pet is deeply affecting. Pets hold a special place in our lives and hearts, and their death creates a gaping hole that causes real, true grief. On top of this, pet owners are responsible for properly and legally disposing of the pet’s body.

So you want to know how to bury or cremate a pet while also allowing you and your family the time and opportunity to grieve the loss of your furry friend. This is where a DIY pet funeral can be helpful.

In many areas there are pet cemeteries or even pet funeral homes that can help you with this, for a fee. If that is not an option in your location or if the full-service option is out of your price range, you will be best served by a DIY pet funeral.

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Documents to gather when someone you love has died

What papers do you need when someone dies?

If you are the spouse or executor of the estate of a person who has passed away, there are many documents you will need to work through. What papers do you actually need?

Most will be financial statements, insurance and membership papers, and legal papers that already exist. These you will need to find. Others you will need to create.

Note that in the digital age, some of these affairs can be arranged completely online using digital documents and accounts. Even so, there will still be many copies and forms you will physically need to handle. Here is the list of papers you need when someone dies.

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Ways to Create a Memorial Away from the Cemetery

The cemetery isn’t the only place you can create a memorial for your loved one. Sure, a headstone is the classic memorial: weighty, substantial, carved with their name and dates.

But what if you want something more than that? Something different, something creative, something that people can see without having to visit a cemetery?

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Avoid These 10 Common Funeral Scams

Want to avoid falling prey to the most common funeral scams? Read on.

First, however, we can’t make it clear enough that although the industry has its share of funeral scams and unsavory charlatans, most funeral professionals do what they do because they care about people and will treat you right.

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how to bury a fish - feature image

How to Bury a Fish: Family-Friendly Fish Funeral & Proper Disposal

Your pet fish – the beloved family friend – has gone, quite literally, belly up. What do you do when a pet fish dies? How do you respectfully bury a fish? What does a fish funeral look like, and how do you properly dispose of a dead fish while respecting the emotions of your little ones?

A fish funeral may seem silly to some. But to those families that watch, feed, play with, and take care of their special pet fish, the death of a little friend can be a big deal.

For many children, this can be their first encounter with death. You will want to handle the situation well so that love is shown to all and peace is known in your home.

This means showing respect for the life of your pet, being conscientious of the emotions of others, and at the same time maintaining health and hygiene when burying, cremating, or otherwise disposing of the dead fish.

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how to live stream funerals - feature image

Live Streaming Funerals: How to Stream a Memorial Service

How do you live stream a funeral?

When relatives are spread all over the country (2020 COVID-19 update – or, you know, during a worldwide pandemic) it may not work out for everyone to be present at the funeral.

The next-best thing, for those who can’t be there physically, is to be there through the magic of the internet.

Here’s how to livestream a funeral or memorial service so that all your loved ones can take part.

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Planning a Funeral at Home - Feature Image

How to Plan a Funeral at Home (& Save Money)

Are you considering a funeral at home?

It’s not so strange, really. Home funerals have been the norm throughout human history.

Funeral homes and funeral directors are certainly helpful, but if you want to conduct a funeral at your home or on your property, by all means, do it!

We’ll consider the benefits and drawbacks of a funeral at home as you decide if this is what you want to do. Here’s our guide to help you save money and plan a home funeral to honor your loved one.

Let’s dive in.

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