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Daniel Szczesniak

Daniel has been working in the funeral industry since 2010, speaking directly to grieving families as they made funeral arrangements. He began researching and publishing funeral articles on this website as part of his role as product and marketing manager at Urns Northwest. Having written hundreds of articles and growing the site to multiple millions of views per year, Daniel continues to write while providing editorial oversight for US Urns Online's content team.

Latest from Daniel Szczesniak

Practical Ways to have a Funeral Without the Body

A funeral without the body present happens more often than you might think. It seems that many families, friends, and loved-ones holding funerals today don’t involve an actual physical burial. If there is a burial, it tends to be held privately at another time and place with just family present.

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Traveling with Ashes

How To [Safely] Travel With Cremated Remains

If you are traveling a long distance by car or flying to retrieve the cremated remains of one parent or both, you will probably want to take the remains with you back home. Or perhaps you might want to honor a last wish and scatter them somewhere with sentimental value.

Cremation is a popular practice that affords different options to honor a dead parent or keep them close. Whether you are honoring a final wish to scatter the ashes somewhere sentimental or take them back with you, you will want to keep the remains as safe as possible depending on the traveling methods.

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DIY memorial candle ideas - feature image

6 Lovely DIY Memorial Candle Projects

Memorial candles are a great addition to funerals, memorial services, reception table centerpieces, or home memorial displays.

For the crafty do-it-yourself-er, here are 6 lovely DIY memorial candle projects that you can pull off quickly and easily at a minimal cost.

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Riddles about funerals

3 Baffling Funeral Riddles

So, you like riddles, eh? Here are three of our favorite riddles about funerals, death, and cemeteries that will stump you for sure. Answers to each riddle follow; once you get the answer to each riddle, pass them on to your friends!

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