A funeral without the body present happens more often than you might think. It seems that many families, friends, and loved-ones holding funerals today don’t involve an actual physical burial. If there is a burial, it tends to be held privately at another time and place with just family present.
How To [Safely] Travel With Cremated Remains
If you are traveling a long distance by car or flying to retrieve the cremated remains of one parent or both, you will probably want to take the remains with you back home. Or perhaps you might want to honor a last wish and scatter them somewhere with sentimental value.
Cremation is a popular practice that affords different options to honor a dead parent or keep them close. Whether you are honoring a final wish to scatter the ashes somewhere sentimental or take them back with you, you will want to keep the remains as safe as possible depending on the traveling methods.
Helpful List of Accounts to Cancel When a Loved One Dies
When a loved one dies, someone needs to go through and cancel or change the name on their various accounts. If you’re reading this article, chances are this duty has fallen to you.
Funeral Home Decor: 20 accents to breathe life into a dreary mortuary
So you want to modernize, update, or simply add to your funeral home decor. Without a major renovation, there are plenty of options that will breathe a bit of life into a dreary mortuary.
What Do Cremated Ashes Look Like?
Cremated ashes, also known as cremated remains, are the bone matter that is left once the cremation process is complete.
Many people would like to know, What do human ashes look like? Let’s find out.
10 Great Books about Funerals, Death, & Grief
In no particular order, here are 10 great books about funerals, death, and grief.
6 Lovely DIY Memorial Candle Projects
Memorial candles are a great addition to funerals, memorial services, reception table centerpieces, or home memorial displays.
For the crafty do-it-yourself-er, here are 6 lovely DIY memorial candle projects that you can pull off quickly and easily at a minimal cost.
40+ Funny Quotes for Cremation Urns
There is a certain type of person who will always be remembered with a smile and a laugh. Their sense of humor, joy, and wit require a cremation urn with a funny quote or saying on it.
3 Baffling Funeral Riddles
So, you like riddles, eh? Here are three of our favorite riddles about funerals, death, and cemeteries that will stump you for sure. Answers to each riddle follow; once you get the answer to each riddle, pass them on to your friends!
Make memorial garden stones with loved one’s ashes
A recent commenter mentioned that they were planning on using their loved one’s ashes to make memorial garden stones, because gardening was one of the …
How to get a memorial tattoo & matching cremation urn
You’re considering a memorial tattoo; something unique that represents a departed loved one in a special way. While you’re perfecting the design, consider this: You can use your memorial tattoo design on a memorial cremation urn.
36 Hilarious Mortician Humor Memes
Morticians have heard and seen it all. In such a deeply emotional and personal profession, you have to just sit back and laugh every now and then with a little mortician humor.