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Daniel Szczesniak

Daniel has been working in the funeral industry since 2010, speaking directly to grieving families as they made funeral arrangements. He began researching and publishing funeral articles on this website as part of his role as product and marketing manager at Urns Northwest. Having written hundreds of articles and growing the site to multiple millions of views per year, Daniel continues to write while providing editorial oversight for US Urns Online's content team.

Latest from Daniel Szczesniak

what to do with ashes: beautiful ideas that honor them

20 Beautiful Ideas for What to Do with Cremation Ashes

“When I die, just put me in a box in the attic.”

I answered the phones for a cremation urn company for over a decade, and heard this comment 3,127 times.

Ok, perhaps that’s a generous estimate. I heard it a lot. Or a similar variation: “Just toss my ashes in the ocean, in the backyard, in the river; just put my remains in a tin can, in a cardboard box…”

The thing is, everyone who said that was in the process of buying an exquisite urn to honor their loved one. So while most people live by the idea of simplicity, when they die their family members want to do something special to honor them.

After your loved one is cremated, you’ll receive their ashes from the funeral home in a simple plastic box… but then what?

There are three basic things you can do with cremated ashes:

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Commission a Memorial Painting

Why You Should Commission a Memorial Painting of Your Loved One

In this article, we are going to talk about why you should commission a memorial painting to honor your loved one and their memory.

A memorial painting can express things in a way that a photograph alone cannot. The photo captures a moment, yes, and can do so perfectly. A painted portrait — especially at the hands of a true artist — can portray much more.

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13 Funeral Flowers - Feat

13 Flowers That Mean Death & What They Symbolize

Today we’re going to talk about which flowers represent the death of a loved one, as well as flowers that symbolize life, grief, mourning, and remembrance.

Flowers have a rich tradition of use at central life events. Whether congratulations for a birth or condolences at a funeral, flowers are always appropriate and convey a deep sense of importance and significance.

We asked Juan Palacio, CEO and founder of the popular flower subscription service BloomsyBox, about the symbolism and etiquette for funeral flowers.

Here is everything you need to know about the meanings of different types and colors of flowers, including flowers that represent death, peace, everlasting love, and much more.

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What will happen to cemeteries in the future?

Will there be cemeteries in the future?

Even with the explosion of cremation’s popularity in recent years, there will always be a demand for a physical location in which to bury, store, or inter the bodies (or remains) of departed loved ones.

As cities become more dense, cemeteries fill, and trends towards eco-consciousness continue, what will the cemeteries of the future look like? Will there even be cemeteries?

Here are some ideas.

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lighthouse cremation urns - feature image

The 13 Most Beautiful Lighthouse Cremation Urns on the Web

A lighthouse is a symbol of hope, a literal beacon of light that beckons the storm-tossed wanderer safely onwards as they journey home.

Representing solid dependability, noble dedication, and the call of the sea, lighthouses are also simply a favorite destination for those who love the coastal beauty of those points where the ocean meets the shore.

For all these reasons and more, the lighthouse a popular and fitting theme for a memorial urn. Especially so among those who treasure the memories of lighthouse touring and beach trips enjoyed together.

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Quotes to Honor a Loved One

101 Beautiful Ways to Say Rest in Peace

What does “R.I.P.” mean? Do people still say it? What’s the best way to express the wish that a loved one may rest in peace?

If you or someone you know has lost a loved one, it’s appropriate to put words to your wish that they may be at peace, wherever they are now.

Here are 101 rest in peace quotes to honor the memory of a special person.

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Poems for a Heavenly Christmas

Is There Christmas in Heaven?

Have you ever wondered if your loved one celebrates Christmas in heaven?

Buried under that question is usually another: How can I celebrate Christmas when my loved one is gone?

Some days, it may not seem possible. Other days you might find that all you want to do is to think of your loved one spending Christmas in heaven with Jesus. For Christians mourning the loss of a loved one, that is the most comforting thought of all.

Below we’ve gathered and even invented some truly meaningful Christmas memorial ideas. These poems, ornaments, and tributes can help your honor the memory of a loved one who is in heaven.

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Homemade grave marker

Your Options for Grave Markers

There are many, many decisions that surround planning a funeral. Today we’re going to be talking about your options for grave markers.

Customs, materials, locations and many other helpful resources are outlined below to make your decision making a bit easier. Let’s dive into it.

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funeral director shirts - feature image

The 25 Best Funeral Director T-Shirts

Funeral directors, morticians, and embalmers are just like regular people. No, seriously! They have families, watch Netflix, enjoy a night out eating sushi, and wear t-shirts on their day off.

If a funeral director is going to wear a t-shirt, it had better be a good one. A comfortable fit, a complementary color, a quirky quote that speaks to the heart of their macabre yet service-oriented calling in what has been termed, “The Dismal Trade.”

For the very best funeral director t-shirts, look no further. We’ve rounded up the best designs and favorites from around the web. Whether you’re shopping for yourself or for a friend, these are the best funny mortician shirts in existence.

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cremation urns for humans - feature image

24 Beautiful Cremation Urns for Human Ashes

Urns for human ashes are designed to hold the cremated remains of an individual adult.

But it’s more than a cremation box that holds a plastic bag of ashes… It’s a memorial, a tribute, a final resting place; it’s a beautiful way to celebrate the memory of a beloved family member.

There are so many options out there, so we’re here to help you find the right cremation urn for your loved one.

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