You don’t need to buy an urn. In fact, there are plenty of everyday items you probably have in your house that can be used as a cremation urn.
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Cremation Urn Options
You can get your loved one a beautiful designer cremation urn, keep the remains in the box in which it comes from the crematorium, or use something you find around the house as the memorial urn.
These ideas may sound ridiculous to you, but keep in mind that many everyday items (say, for instance, a paint can) can have a special meaning to the right person in a particular circumstance (say, for instance, a painter).
We’ve had people ask about filling a tattoo gun chamber with remains, a niche battery case modified to be used as an urn for its inventor, and we’ve actually had multiple requests to turn oak barrels into urns.
The list could go on.
The point is, every person and situation is unique, and meaning can be conveyed in a lot of different ways. So use the ideas below to jump start your imagination.
Especially if you plan on holding on to the cremated remains, there are no rules limiting what you can use. Let’s take a look at some everyday items you can use as a cremation urn.
Everyday Items You Can Use As A Cremation Urn
Before we begin, let’s take into consideration the size you’ll need. The industry standard adult cremation urn is about 200 cubic inches, so you’ll need around that capacity if you want to hold all of the cremated remains. A simple and easy-to-remember formula is that 1 pound of the person’s normal body weight will result in 1 cubic inch of remains after the cremation.
Read more about how to determine what urn capacity you will need here
Urns Made in the USA
That means that for many of the items listed below, you’ll need more than one to reach the 200 cubic inch number.
Alternatively, you can also divide up the remains. Many families will share portions of the ashes among those who would like a token keepsake of their loved one, and many also choose to scatter a part of the remains while keeping a small amount.
You can of course also utilize any combination of methods: place most in a traditional urn, scatter some, and keep a tiny portion in a tea tin or an old bottle of Maker’s Mark after you share a round in loving memory.
Two takeaways:
– 200 cubic inches is the average amount of remains
– You can divide the remains or use multiple items to get up to the 200 cubic inch mark
Related: Keeping Cremated Remains at Home
You probably have some sort of memory chest, keepsake box, or jewelry box around the house. To hold all of the remains, you’ll need a fairly large one – an interior space that measures about 8″ x 6″ x 5″ will hold a little over 200 cubic inches (the average amount of remains for an adult).
Remember, you can divide up the ashes to fit into the memory chest or jewelry box that you already have.
The memory chest pictured above is an inexpensive item found online. At Urns Northwest, we have a variety of premium memory chests made in the USA and designed to honor your loved one. Some of these are designed for use as a memory chest in the top section with a separate chamber in the bottom for the cremated remains. You can browse more cremation urn and/or memory chest combos here.
Whoda thunk, using an urn as an urn? It’s totally doable. You can place the remains in the bottom of a garden urn inside the plastic bag in which they come (maybe put it in a dry bag like this one to protect it), cover it all with soil, and plant some beautiful flowers over the top of it.
This 40-cup coffee urn is a fairly typical size and will store approximately 577 cubic inches of cremated remains. Ideal for a coffee roaster, barista, or someone who just simply loved a good cup of coffee.
Your standard 2.2 liter pump pot will hold about 134 cubic inches, enough for someone who weighed 134 lbs or less (or when dividing the ashes).
A classic Foglers 48 oz size will hold 86 cubic inches of remains. A perfect way to remember your dad, who would rise early every morning and have his cup of Folgers before heading off to work at the factory. This and a tea tin are perhaps ultimate everyday items to use as a cremation urn.

Honor the craft beer connoisseur in your life with a personalized growler. The standard 64 ounce growlers hold 115 cubic inches, so this is perfect if you’re planning to divide the remains at all. You could also use two, perhaps one apiece for their favorite light and dark brews.
Fishing is a very popular hobby, and the extraordinary popularity of our fishing-themed cremation urns proves it. If you’re on the lookout for something a little more affordable, why not use a tackle box?
You can use your loved one’s actual tackle box, or get one like this that will be new and clean for the home. That particular one has room for 400 cubic inches in the bottom compartment, then you can use the trays or extra space for keepsakes.
If your loved one was a survivalist, hiker, camper, or rafting enthusiast, you may have a dry box laying around. Even if you don’t already have one, this is a very inexpensive option that you can find easily online. This small dry box holds about 90 cubic inches, and the large version holds around 160.
The standard large size for glass canning jars is 64 ounces, which is equal to 115 cubic inches. That means that a set of two 64oz glass jars will hold a little over the standard 200 cubic inches, coming in at 230. A set of 12 “regular” sized canning jars of 16 ounces will provide 346 cubic inches.
Here’s an idea for holding the remains of your pet, or of an avid pet lover. This six-pound container will hold well over 200 cubic inches of remains.
For a gun collector, hunter, or sharp shooter, consider an ammo case as the box to hold the cremated remains. This one holds 850 cubic inches. For something a little more traditional, try one of these hunting cremation urns.

This personalized whiskey barrel may not be an everyday household object for everyone, but if your loved one was a whiskey, bourbon, scotch, or beer enthusiast it might be the perfect memorial solution.
You can use a barrel you already have, use another related container, or get one personalized for them as a memorial.
We’ve blogged about this before. A plastic bag is the least expensive option of them all, and it can help make scattering easy, simple, and cost-effective. We bet you already have one in a kitchen drawer somewhere.
This cute pink one holds over 400 cubic inches. Most likely the makeup case or cosmetic bag used by your loved one will be close to the right capacity.
More Everyday Items You Can Use As A Cremation Urn…
- Gun case (this handgun case holds 420 cubic inches)
- Plastic cereal containers (244 cubic inches)
- Soda bottles (122 cubic inches)
- Milk jugs (231 cubic inches)
- Tea tin (15 to 210 cubic inches, depending on size)
- Wine bottle (45 cubic inches)
- Camelbak (122 cubic inches)
These items would have to be hollowed out and/or sealed:
- Guitar
- Drum
- Bowling ball
- Sewing machine
- Typewriter case
- Video game console
- Teddy bear
- Pillow
Hopefully these ideas give you some inspiration for what you can use as a cremation urn. And remember, if you are looking for a more “traditional” but still unique memorial urn, at Urns Northwest we offer a wide selection of beautiful, premium cremation urns. Browse our best-sellers here.
Your information on how much different containers will hold was priceless for me. I’m using a wine bottle for my husband’s cremains, but wanted to give the family some as well. According to your figures, I can use wine bottles for everyone…perfect. Thank you so much.
Hi my dog ashes came back in a wicker material (square. ) with pretty bow, I have put this in a pvc makeup bag and put into a plant pot is this the right thing to do
Hi my dog ashes came back in a wicker material (square. ) with pretty bow, I have put this in a pvc makeup bag and put into a plant pot is this the right thing to do
Hi Jo,
Sounds like a creative and lovely thing to do! Ultimately it’s up to you. Do you think that it is a good way to honor your pet? Then I think so too! Hope this helps.
I recently lost my husband to Alzheimer’s. As in 10 days ago. In reviewing the above movies I can understand those that were aware of their impending death due to terminal illness and while I am sympathetic and it hurts my heart (my mother died of cancer and father of heart disease) they were aware of their impending deaths. Is there an movie that has the same understanding of death or the afterlife, without the memory of close people, places and things. He didn’t know he was dying but then again he didn’t know me. Is there anything that shows the ravages of this disease and the “aloneness” of what they were facing or maybe it was just me. He was an amazing man and couldn’t remember it. Much like Ronald Reagan and Glen Campbell.
Hi Katherine,
I think your comment was meant to go with this post about films:
In any case, here is a list of movies about people with Alzheimer’s, hope it helps:
Hi Katherine,
I think your comment was meant to go with this post about films:
In any case, here is a list of movies about people with Alzheimer’s, hope it helps:
Struggling to find the best vessel. I’m leaning toward a vase… what would be the best way to seal this type of vessel? A cork? Have a potter make a lid? Or something different?
Hi Kristina,
Good idea! It really would depend on the opening of the vase – size, shape, etc. But yes, you might be able to cut a thick piece of cork or rubber to the right size, then seal with silicone. Good luck!
Thank you Daniel. I’ll be sure to let you know how it turns out.
I am so happy to find this site. Was looking for items around the house and I’ve found the perfect thing. It won’t hold the allotted amount, but it good to know that the rest can be put in something else. Many thanks!
My husband has terminal brain cancer. I have a special box for his remains when he dies. Do I just put the ashes in a zip top bag and place then in that box?
Hi Kim,
Yes, exactly. The funeral home or crematorium that handles the cremation will return the ashes to you already in a plastic bag, so you can just place that into the urn or other special box you already have. You can read more here.
Thank you!
Hi Kim,
Yes, exactly. The funeral home or crematorium that handles the cremation will return the ashes to you already in a plastic bag, so you can just place that into the urn or other special box you already have. You can read more here.
Thank you!
Would a cookie jar make a good urn?
If you think so, we think so! A cremation urn is a container to hold your loved one’s ashes, so if a cookie jar is the perfect way to honor their memory, then it should work just fine.
My husband loved glass, fused glass, and pottery creations. The urns I saw on the internet and our funeral home did not reflect his passions. I have three vessels that I will put out for the this week to my kids-two glass containers and a 100 year old Planters peanut glass container. I’ll go for their vote!
My questions are: Can I line my Mother’s Urn with velvet? Do I have to make sure it has a seal on the mohagany box that we chose?
Hi Nadia,
Yes, you are welcome to line the urn with velvet. For wood urns, the entire base panel typically removes, so it should be pretty easy to line it. Most often wood urns come with an unfinished interior. No need to seal the box, as you would place the remains inside keeping them secure in the plastic bag in which they come.
Read more here:
And here:
Hi Nadia,
Yes, you are welcome to line the urn with velvet. For wood urns, the entire base panel typically removes, so it should be pretty easy to line it. Most often wood urns come with an unfinished interior. No need to seal the box, as you would place the remains inside keeping them secure in the plastic bag in which they come.
Read more here:
And here:
Hi team – I have an idea of using a cricket ball to hold a portion of the ashes … US readers can think of a baseball. Any thoughts or example instructions on how one might hollow out such a ball (without destroying it), and then on sealing it with some sort of plug or cap? I’m thinking someone somewhere would have done a baseball memorial urn at some point.
Hey Richard,
Great idea! I think this baseball cremation urn is exactly what you were looking for. For baseball fans, at least. I don’t see anyone doing a cricket ball – yet!
Thanks Daniel – I’d come across that one, which is great. What I am trying to find is someone who has actually drilled into a real ball of their own. My client has a specific ball that there loved one has as a trophy from an amazing sporting exploit back in the 70’s, and would like to use it for some ashes. In cricket, the bowler took 7 wickets for 15 runs, probably the equivalent of a pitcher striking out 20 hitters. They want to use that actual ball, without ruining it. So I’m thinking I might come across someone stateside who has a similar project with a baseball.
Thank you for this site. I was at the funeral home today and was told I had to buy an urn. All I wanted was a cardboard box. My partner loved peanut M&Ms and we have a large container that looks like a cookie jar but is for M&Ms. I am taking that over tomorrow and letting them know this is my urn of choice.
Hi Sharon,
Glad to hear it! Yes, you can and should use anything you like as the cremation urn. My wife and I are currently working on a Costco-sized container of peanut M&Ms, so I can visualize it easily enough. I’m glad we could help!
Hi, Thank you so much for this information. I’ve spent the last 2 months trying to decide what to put my husbands ashes in …. it definitely couldn’t be something conventional. He loved music and played guitar so I have decided to use a guitar to keep his ashes in. Do you have any suggestions on how to go about doing this? Thanks for your help!
I would like to know if I could seal my moms ashes in a glass vase without a top with maybe wax or any other suggestions, just curious if it will sink into the ashes
Interesting idea! I’d think that if you poured hot wax into the top it would solidify and effectively “seal” the vase urn. To avoid the potential problem of the wax sinking into the ashes, I’d suggest placing a barrier on top of the ashes before pouring the wax. This could be wood, metal, cardboard, or plastic, perhaps even tinfoil or something like that. I would think that this would keep the wax on top of everything. Hope this helps, and let us know how it worked!
I’m thinking of putting my husband’s ashes in his mother’s cookie jar?
He is being buried and I have ordered a vault for the things we want to add to whatever I put his ashes in.
I’m thinking of putting my husband’s ashes in his mother’s cookie jar?
He is being buried and I have ordered a vault for the things we want to add to whatever I put his ashes in.
What a wonderful thing you are doing helping those who are grieving and may have trouble with decisions. We did and just got a plain box until we could decide what to do after scattering some and I made a few memorial stones for myself and my mother (my 19 y o son died). Now I’m thinking of how I can redo the box or one of his beloved basses. Thank you so much!
My husband has a couple of autographed footballs by players from his favorite NFL team. If I can find a way to open and reseal the football can that be used for his ashes? If so, any suggestions on how to do this? Thanks!
I am deciding on what to use as an urn for myself! I have a few months and am trying to get everything in order. I think I will have them use a vintage/retro kitchen canister. My daughter can use her Cricket to print the info and put it on the canister or maybe have a little plaque engraved to attach.