Funerals can bring out a lot of emotions – sadness, frustration, anxiety, fear, relief, tension, hope, closure, letdown, and more.
One thing we need not forget is that death and its entourage of surrounding customs (funerals, wakes, cremation, burial, etc) can actually be funny.
In the vein of keeping things light, and recognizing that the human race has long used humor as a valuable form of expression relating to all stages and walks of life, here are 20 Funeral Humor Memes that we have collected, created, and shared.
Top 10 Funeral Memes
1. No, Let’s Not

2. It Was A Wrong Number Anyways

3. Old People At Weddings

4. Twitter Eulogy

5. Cremation as a Last Resort
6. Dark Humor: It’s Not For Everyone
7. Maybe a Little Too Quiet…
8. Mortician Humor
9. Party Like a Mortician
Related: Mortician Humor Memes
10. Keep the Nosy Neighbors Guessing

More Funeral Memes to Tickle Your Funny Bone
11. A Pinata A Happy Funeral Makes

12. But There’s No DNA Evidence To Prove It

13. Cause of Death

14. Matchstick Funeral

Related: Funny Funeral Jokes
15. Snowman Funeral

16. Square Peg, Round Hole

17. The Outdoorsy Funeral Director

18. Last Words
19. …And Vice Versa
20. Death Works from Home
21. Funeral or Art Opening: A Handy Venn Diagram

22. Directions to the Mortuary
23. Funeral Director Humor

24. If There’s Going to Be a Zombie Apocalypse…

25. Funeral Directors Put the Fun in Funeral

26. Bring Your Child to Work Day
27. Embalming Humor
28. National Mortician’s Day: Buy Local
29. Just Being Honest
30. Mom Gets Her Revenge
31. We Don’t Understand Death
32. Spoken by a True Fan

33. A Strange Sort of Optimist
34. Dark Humor: Punctuation Saves Lives

35. Funeral Humor: I Don’t Know What to Say
36. His & Hearse

37. Good to See You
38. Me: Dead

39. Headstones are Expensive

40. Case in Point
Do you enjoy oddball funeral humor memes and quotes? Check out our follow up post, 36 MORE Hilarious Funeral Humor Memes.

Where did you actually pick up the suggestions to publish ““20 Hilarious Funeral Humor Memes | Urns | Online”?
I appreciate it -Melinda
Where did you actually pick up the suggestions to publish ““20 Hilarious Funeral Humor Memes | Urns | Online”?
I appreciate it -Melinda
Hi Melinda,
Working in the funeral industry we run across things on various social media outlets that strike us as funny. Places like Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+ are all great resources, with user generated content. We try to curate funny yet appropriate content on our profiles, which you can follow here:
Tumblr, Google+, Facebook, and our sister company on Pinterest. We hope to see you around the interwebs!
Helps me not to take life so damn seriously