Why Christians Should Become Death Doulas

Christians should consider training and serving as death doulas.

“Death” is probably the last word you would expect to find paired with “doula.” And no, this isn’t some sort of spiritual metaphor; it’s an actual job in a young but rapidly growing field. Let me explain.

A doula is someone who is trained to help and support a woman during childbirth. Traditionally, the doula or midwife fills the role of a coach who brings wisdom and experience to a family as they bring a new life into the world.

When my wife and I had our second child, we had a friend with us who was in training to be a birth doula. Her presence provided much-needed personal help and comfort as someone who was simply there. Of course I was also there, but aside from the birthing classes and the experience of our first child’s birth I didn’t really have much to bring to the table. The nurses were in and out, and the OB-GYN popped in for a few minutes and was there for the birth, but our doula friend was with my wife in a different and much deeper way, providing a combination of personal care and practical knowledge that was truly comforting.

Birth doulas have become much more widely known and used in recent years for this very reason. They provide something that people sorely need: a combination of functional wisdom and personal support to the expectant mother that soothes her fears and stokes her confidence.

So many people have begun to realize that if this role is so valuable during birth, why not do the same thing during death?

What is a Death Doula?

When someone is dying, there are plenty of professionals involved. Nursing home staff, paramedics, doctors, nurses, surgeons, specialists. Not to mention receptionists and lawyers and insurance reps. It’s easy to lose the thread of what is really going on beneath a constant stream of prescriptions, surgical options, pain management, and insurance company hold music.

The reality is that death is not simply a medical event. In Ecclesiastes 9:5, the Preacher tells us that “the dead know nothing, and they have no more reward, for the memory of them is forgotten.” This is not just an end of life, but an end of significance. All the knowledge and experience you have built up; all the rewards you have treasured up; all the memories you have created and shared; everything you had or enjoyed in this life will be gone and forgotten.

When someone knows that they are dying, it’s natural to worry about the pain and try to prolong life. It’s also natural to think about the meaning and significance of life, what comes after death, and how best to leave this world. Medical professionals help with the first part. And now, increasingly, death doulas are being trained to help with the second part.

A “death doula” (or, as they prefer to be called, an “end-of-life doula”) is someone who is trained to help and support the dying one and their family as they prepare to leave this world. In the early 2000s, several medical and palliative care professionals independently saw the need and began offering it themselves. As word spread and interest grew, they began training others and a new profession was launched.

What Does a Death Doula Do?

Practically speaking, a death doula helps the dying person die well. This involves first and foremost respecting the dying person’s wishes while, secondly, providing wisdom, information, and personal presence.

Specifically, the doula helps the dying person and their family with things like:

  • Advocating for the dying person, especially when they become incapacitated or unable to communicate
  • Choosing where to die (80% of Americans would prefer to die at home but only 30% actually do)
  • Creating a peaceful and personal environment for the dying one
  • Encouraging thoughtful and purposeful life review, exploration of religious views, candid family conversations
  • Planning for and recognizing when to start the vigil (the time when death is imminent)
  • Relieving the fear and anxiety surrounding death for the individual and their family
  • What to do at the time of death and immediately after
  • Help with funeral planning
  • Reprocessing with the family a few months after the funeral

You can read more about the role of a death doula here.

Why Should Christians Become Death Doulas?

Teach us to number our days
that we may get a heart of wisdom.

Psalm 90:12

Christians should become death doulas because doulas provide help, wisdom, and companionship to people at what may very well be the only time in their lives they are open to being taught how to number their days. People – dying people – are looking for practical help and spiritual or philosophical significance. In obedience to Romans 12:9-18, we should be there to show love and honor, to give hope and blessing, to pray and show hospitality.

Moreover, since Jesus is the only one who is ultimately significant, only in him can our lives and deaths have significance. Since Jesus is the one who conquers death and invites us to live with him, only in him can we truly die well.

As Christians, we should be at the front lines when people are consciously thinking about death, the meaning and significance of their lives, and how to die well. Because the beautiful and valuable work that death doulas provide is only fully realized in Christ.

Jesus is the answer to pain, so be there when the pain comes.

Jesus is the answer to decay, so be there when the body decays.

Jesus is the answer to grief, so be there when the grieving begins.

Jesus is the answer to despair, so be there when all hope is lost.

Jesus is the answer to death, so be there when death is near.

As Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live.” (John 11:25)

So, Christians: Become death doulas.

Read Next: Death Doulas & Caring for the Dying

Why Christians Should Become Death Doulas

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Daniel Szczesniak

Daniel has been working in the funeral industry since 2010, speaking directly to grieving families as they made funeral arrangements. He began researching and publishing funeral articles on this website as part of his role as product and marketing manager...

14 thoughts on “Why Christians Should Become Death Doulas”

  1. Very interesting suggestion. My wife and I had a birthing doula when giving birth and they were very, very helpful and comforting. They provided wisdom and guidance and just overall support. In addition, we are Christian and experienced a death right in our home when my father made his transition. I can definitely see where a doula would be helpful during that time. Not only for Christians, but as an example of the love of Christ to non-Christians. I think it is a very powerful witness tool that can help that soul that is departing, while also being available to the family members who do not know the hope we have in Christ. Very good though and article and something definitely to consider.

  2. My husband feels called to be a certified end of life doula. Do you if they become LLC? Set up a consultant? What fee structure do you see? My thanks and many blessings

  3. Hi Dyan,

    Great questions! I think your first questions would be for your accountant, and you would probably want to communicate with other doulas to find comparable fee structures. I’d suggest starting with a good training program, such as this one: https://www.qualityoflifecare.com/

    Hope this helps!

  4. Hi, I am an EOL Doula and a Christian. I love what I do and will talk your ear off about all the things… lol

    Thanks for sharing!

  5. I am a born again Christian and am currently working as a live in carer for the elderly and resident in the UK. I am very interested in becoming an end of life doula and would appreciate some information as to where do I start?

  6. Hi Barbara,

    Glad to hear it! You can find out more about training centers here, most of which offer online training and certification. Of course that won’t be from a Christian perspective, so I would suggest pairing that practical training with good, solid biblical training such as ACBC. Or at least get some discipleship from your church, read good books on the subject, and maybe audit some Bible school classes. A combination of the practical doula training along with some ministry training would be ideal!

  7. Hi Barbara,

    Glad to hear it! You can find out more about training centers here, most of which offer online training and certification. Of course that won’t be from a Christian perspective, so I would suggest pairing that practical training with good, solid biblical training such as ACBC. Or at least get some discipleship from your church, read good books on the subject, and maybe audit some Bible school classes. A combination of the practical doula training along with some ministry training would be ideal!

  8. Hello, Thank you for your postings. I’m confused in picking a school for training and certification.
    The financial range is between $75.-$4000.. The time invested is between 4 weeks to 4 months to certify.
    ?What is the difference of these schools?
    ?Are there Christian Doula schools?
    Thank you,

  9. Hello, Thank you for your postings. I’m confused in picking a school for training and certification.
    The financial range is between $75.-$4000.. The time invested is between 4 weeks to 4 months to certify.
    ?What is the difference of these schools?
    ?Are there Christian Doula schools?
    Thank you,

  10. Hey Kim,

    Great questions. The field is so new that there isn’t any standard for certification. My aim in writing this article was to encourage Christians to get into the discipline and provide a Christ-centered approach.

    I’d suggest that you research the programs, reviews, time involved, and the curriculum/training process (you can often simply email the organization for more information). That’s the “doula” part, which will largely be secular. For the Christian part, pursue biblical counseling. ACBC, CCEF, and IBCD all offer excellent training in how to handle the Scriptures to minister to people in every area of life. That will help equip you, in conjunction with the doula training, to truly and biblically care for those who are nearing the end of life. ACBC certification is rigorous, so you may be able to do that plus a less extensive doula training (although I’d suggest just going for it and getting the best training possible).

    I hope this helps!

  11. I would love to connect with other End of life doulas who are Christians. I’m partway thru my studies in Australia but really feel the Christian aspect very challenged. I would love to connect with others who are studying and/or already working. Not sure how to do the contacting part? Maybe via email?

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